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Manuscript Preparation Guidelines

Authors submitting manuscripts to the Journal of International Journal Research (CIJR) are required to adhere to the following formatting guidelines:


Provide a clear, informative title that accurately summarizes the research.

Comprehensive Introduction

Outline the study’s background, significance, and objectives in detail.

Literature Review

Contextualize the research within existing scholarship, identify gaps, and establish its contribution to the field.

Research Methodology

Define the methodology, including research design, data collection, and analysis techniques.

Unique Research Methodological Software

Specify any specialized software or tools used and justify their selection.

Designing a Meaningful Questionnaire

Develop a well-structured questionnaire aligned with the research objectives for clarity and reliability.

Achieving Conclusions

Summarize findings, interpretations, implications, and future research avenues.


Provide a comprehensive list of all cited sources following CIJR’s specified citation style (e.g., APA, MLA).

Appendix (Questionnaire Questions)

Include questionnaire questions in the appendix section for reference and transparency.

Publication Ethics Guidelines

CIJR adheres to strict publication ethics guidelines to ensure the reliability and integrity of published research. Authors must comply with the following ethical standards:


Submit original work not published elsewhere or under consideration for publication elsewhere.


Identify all significant contributors as authors and acknowledge minor contributors.

Conflict of Interest

Declare any conflicts of interest affecting interpretation of findings.

Ethical Treatment of Subjects

Obtain approval from relevant ethics committees for research involving human or animal subjects.

Data Integrity

Ensure accuracy and reliability of data presented in manuscripts.


Avoid plagiarism and properly cite all sources.

Journal Publication Information

  • Publication Durations: Annually
  • Review Period: Four months
  • Acceptance Fee for Publishing Paper: $250

Authors are encouraged to review and comply with these guidelines to facilitate smooth manuscript processing and publication.